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PROJECT:CAFFEINE Sumatra 250g bag
Our completley unique coffee from Sumatra
A completley unoique coffee experience. Not only is this coffee fairtrade and organic. It's Grade 1. Meaning it's received the hightest rating coffee can get. If you want to spend a little more then this full bodied stunner won't dissapoint.
Origin: Sumatra
Regions: Aceh
Producer: Local Cooperatives
Process: Semi-Washed / Wet Hulled / Sun Dried
Altitude: 1600 (MASL)
Harvest: September - May
Grade: 1
Varietal: Catimor and Typica
Aroma: Earthy
Flavour: Spicy, Herbal, Woody, Cacao, Earthy
Body: Full
Acidity: Low
Bean: Arabica
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